What a great event. Being a stand for equality regardless of your body type, religion, sex or sexual preference. It was a blast to be a flag girl with the GLOW team from Microsoft this past Sunday.
The weather here in Seattle was in the 90’s and that was total heaven to me.
Bring on the heat Pacific Northwest, and the rest of us all need to remember the importance of water, water, water. Can I say it again, WATER. So far people are downing the sugar drinks and iced coffees and iced or on ice alcohol drinks (saw tons of this over the weekend) just to cool down. Be careful, this could send you to the hospital.
Please, if you are reading this, I am bagging you. Drink at the least 3.5 quarts (liters) of water if it is warm out and if it is really hot, hot, hot, drink that gallon that is “hanging”around your place. Remember your electrolytes (Advocare: Rehydrate or excel gel). Your body will be happy and so will your good looking skin.
Back to the parade. Fun. It was a bit tame from what I was expecting it to be. It could be the politics going on with same sex marriage rights and wanting to have this pass and that means being a bit “conservative” to get all those votes in. Whatever the reasons are, it was fun to see folks out expressing themselves and enjoying the spirit of that.
Express on my friends
DVD for sale on website
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