Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stress Education

Everyone knows that this modern world is incredibly stressful. We know that stress threatens our health, weakens our performance and interferes with our pleasure in life.

What is less well-known are the ultimate causes of stress and what we can do to minimize the impacts. This study is uniquely interesting because it lies right at the intersection between mind and body. Stress isn't like a pathogen or an alien invader; it has more to do with our experience, our perceptions and our interpretations of events.

The field is fascinating and rich, but the fundamentals are simple. According to neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky, author of Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, people are more vulnerable to the effects of stress if they

- feel as if they have minimal control

- feel as if they have no predictive information

- have few outlets for their frustration

- interpret the stressor as evidence of worsening circumstances

- lack social support

These observations are backed up by research with non-human animals. They immediately suggest strategies for both personal, organizational and cultural transformation.

Stress education also overlaps strongly with the work of Martin Seligman on learned helplessness. Seligman discovered that our vulnerability to adversity is strongly linked to our explanatory style, the way that we talk about the events in our lives.

Ultimately, once we learn some stress fundamentals, we find that we can harness stress and learn to benefit from it. Good stress (eustress) can in fact be a very good thing for mind, body and tribe.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Fat Busting A.M. Shakes

To all you fit minded nuts out there.

These shakes will not only assist in fat reduction they will also give you that healthy looking glow in your skin and hair.
Starting your morning with some essential fats, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

The Glow Bust

1c Mixed Berries (Frozen)
1c Spinach (Frozen)
3T Ground Flaxseeds (=1 egg) or 1tsp Flaxseed oil
1tsp Green Tea Oil
1 clove Garlic
½ c Millet
Dash of cinnamon
1c water
26 g rice or whey protein

Blend and enjoy

Make it Green Baby (so the kids will enjoy too)

1c Peaches (frozen)
1 scoop Barlean’s Greens or Berry Greens (by Barlean’s)
1T Omega Swirl Flax Seed Oil
½ c cooked Oatmeal
26g rice or whey protein
Dash of cinnamon
1c water

Blend and enjoy

Send me your experience after making the cancer blocking, skin enriching, and energy busting drinks.

Thank you for your requests and feedback. Keep them coming.

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