Hello readers of interest......
This is a very personal letter that I am sending out. We all live very busy lives. Yes, I am not married or with any children or pet in my life. Plus I run my own business. Sound great right. Maybe to some parts of it sound really glamorous and believe me parts of your lives sound simply yummy to me.
So I have all the “time” in the world right? Well no not really….. I have to make choice on what is important to me at a give time and what will support my bigger vision that I can taste, feel and imagine I am touching it. Some choices have not been the best and they set me back. Did I learn yes. No regrets.
On a day that I get to check in with all my clients I was doing a survey to see what would be of interest to you the reader.
A wonderful man running his own business, supporting his family, a wife that also works, two kids that are not just going to school but also requiring extra attention (counseling and sports). Joe (to protect the identity of this man – since we all may know each other anyway). Joe asked, “so how do I get in a workout with this lifestyle?” he says to me in a panic.
I responded. It will not be easy and it will take patience and retraining. One thing Joes does do is go for a walk every now and then. Joe loves his family and he is concerned about their wellbeing, in turn he is sacrificing his own. This is fine on short term base, but if continues will have sever health effect that could burden the ones he loves so dearly.
Joe, this is my recommendation.
1: As a reminder. Take a step back and really look at the situation.
2: Take a very deep breath. Possibly more depending on the time.
3: Make a visual chart of the day. What is each person’s schedule?
4: Like any job there are list to do. Make one!!!!
5: Schedule in time that the family together does-
AM Water Hole (each person as they wake drinks a quart/liter of water) a splash of fruit juice with help for the kids). This will rehydrate you from the night before and put a good start on the day for every one. (Re-read the benefits of water article that was sent out)
AM morning exercises. This could be just 10 min (a round of 5 squats, 5 push-ups, 5 sit-ups, 5 jumps, 5 spins and repeat till 10 min is up) i.e. YOUTUBE has great ideas out there and I have a 20 min video for purchase to do at home.
Get in the protein and fresh fruit. Make sure protein has been eaten in the morning. Classic breakfast: Oatmeal, 3 eggs, blueberries. All these foods help your brain, heart, and overall wellbeing.
Get ready for the day: Just like a musician, an athlete, an actor, a teacher, and engineer you also need to have all your tools with you to be successful for the day. Bring your lunches (2 bottles of water, fruit and veggies and protein and nuts and seed)
Night time wind down: go for a family walk after dinner. Do this as a replacement to T.V. The world has some many wonders out there that will spark you kid’s creativity again and maybe yours.
I hope this will help you Joe.
If you have any questions do call or email me.
To your success and longevity,