Okay time to take it all back. I have been very present to how I am affected to my outside exposure. Shopping for food has been big aha moment and where I shop is key. (not to mention places I choose to work or the people I choose to surround myself. They all play an intricate part in the developement of truth, love, connection, passion and enlightenment of the soul).
Energy is Energy and vibration has many different levels. Science has done a great job documenting this.
My sharing just come from the experience of meandering though this thing we call life. With the dream that my focus has a clear purpose and that I can touch the hearts of freedom in those that come into my existence. Thriving not to feed victim consciousness, yet feed the soul truth consciousness. In return, I pray I attract people that will offer the same to me. Help me over come my ego and life a life of deep truth (this can be very scarey and yet the feeling of accepting the truth feels like exstasy- this is my drug of choice)
So here is the play of enjoyment for me in this moment in this day, that will affect all days and moments to come.
The Love Juice #17 came in two parts today:
Juice to the right:
2 green apples
2 lemon
Juice to the left:
Italian parsley
Taste is adventure, yet my body wants it so bad.
Meal schedule for the day:
Coconut Almond Meal Pack (bar)
Americo with cream
12 almonds
100 grams turkey
Juice (right)
100 grams lamb
Juice (left)
100 grams turkey
Juice (right)
100 grams tilapia
Juice (right)
1 c goat yogurt
1T whey protein powder
Wheat germ
Essential Woman Oil 2T
1 gallon of water for the day
Actions taken in the day:
Trained my physical body with our 5 am girl group.
Reached out to a new friend in my life that we seem to want to connect. Went outside my comfort zone. (This made me laugh and giggle after)
Mental healing with friends
Spiritual training (Kundalini homework and Sadhana)
Prepare for workshop this weekend.
It is a beautiful day here in the Pacific Northwest.
IF your care to know more about these topics and other health and fitness related guidance.
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