Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Love Juice #8

This was the most delicious blend of veggies.

First I want to say:
THANK YOU SARA GREENWOOD: For lending me the food processor. Am excited to purchase the Vita Blender to juice and have all the veggie nutrient.

THANK YOU MOTHER EARTH: For consistently producing such delicious foods for me to enjoy.

THANK YOU FARMERS AND ALL INVOLVED: In the care, harvest, transportation of this produce to a city life.

Blend of Love for today:

4 Carrots and Carrot Greens
4 Lemons
Beets and Beet Greens
2 Pear
Kangan water 8.6 ph

This Juice of Love is very easy to enjoy drinking with all the added nutrients. Enjoy a Golden Life

For more information on this topic and other health and fitness related questions.
Call 206-465-4430
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Much love
Golden Brains

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