Monday, March 22, 2010

Training #6

Two Minuets One Set

Chair Squats: 50pd 11reps
Romanian Dead lift: 60pd 11reps
Stationary wide-lateral lungs: (with Olympic bar) focused to hard on form instead of reps

Bent Row: 14reps 20pd (9kg)
Single Dumbbell Row: (on tip toes) 20pd R=11reps L=10reps
Narrow Rope Pull Downs: 110pd 12reps

Push-ups: (hands on bench) 6reps
Shoulder Press: Olympic Bar 6reps
Bent Flies: 8reps 5pd (2.3kg)

Before training:
103 bows
20 holding posture

Post Training:
30 min holding posture

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