Friday, April 30, 2010

Training #11

I understand how the readers like to hear a bit of excitement in writing. Sorry folks not there at this moment and do not want to change my mind on that right now.
Love you and hope you are creating a balance between your mind and your body and being truthful to your essences.

Here goes:

20 min walk
Joint opening exercises for hips and shoulders

Training time:

3 rounds
20 stiff legged shoulder presses
20 front squats
20 elevated dips
20 windmills –R/L
2 min seated holding posture (sun press)
1 min rest

Bonus round
5 X 100 jump rope

10 min sauna
20 min walk

This training felt amazing and the body did not feel any pain ore sourness.
Getting onto something here ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi every person,

I identified after previous months and I'm very excited much to commence participating. I are basically lurking for the last month but figured I would be joining and sign up.

I am from Spain so please forgave my speaking english[url=].[/url][url=].[/url][url=].[/url]