We are back. Well, Ila is back at least to this site to share and log her training for the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon.
It all Started Friday Feb. 20, 2009. I went ahead and put a post on Facebook requesting a tire-flipping partner. After reading several delightful responses, one lone soul, Mario, joined me in this fun mid-morning training
On Sunday Feb 22, 2009: We arrive at 11 am at Advanced Spinal Rehab where I am storing all my lifting paraphernalia for Barlean Balance (aka: BBA Consulting, LLC). Dr Scot Sorum, owner of Advanced Spinal Rehab, kindly allows me to store tractor tires at his clinic. Many blessings to you Dr. Sorum
Training Menu:
Active warm-up (for your specific needs)
Tire dance: 4 rounds (8:19 time)
20 push-ups (Mario=back extensions)
20 sit-ups
20 jumps (like a box Jump yet on a tire)
Round one of 60 sec tire flips:
11 flips
Round two of 60 sec tire flips:
13 flips
2 mile run
We then break for breakfast which consists of a hamburger steak and two potato pancakes with herbal tea. This is a fabulous breakfast for those out there looking at having “real” food after a meal to nourish your soul and feed your body. You have a protein source (the meat); a carb source (the potato); and, a fat source (what it was all cooked in). These are the building blocks of a healthy diet to produce a body that you/I are/am comfortable in and with.
Thank you Mario for the company. It seems that I have a very low tolerance for training alone these days.
Photos yet to come.
Feb. 23, 2009
7-8 am Walk Green Lake (2.8 miles)
30 min. walk to work with 25-lbs. pack
Trained with my Boot Camp Jungle participants
6:21 min. jog
Active stretching
6:19 min. jog
25 sit-ups with weights
10-10/10-10 Plank with row and hip dips
3 rounds
5:45 min. jog
10 min. vib
5 tire lifts
10 – 60lbs. lift
10 – 70 lbs. lift
10 – 80 lbs. lift
10 – 90 lbs. lift
***Go to www.bellevuebootcampjungle.blogspot.com for the full bootcamp program and more……
30 min. walk home with 15lbs. pack
Ate a beautiful meal of Portabella mushrooms with brown rice, burdock root and ginger accompanied with some dates, raisins and almonds. This meal was in alignment with my fat trimming goals. It provided a light meal before bed and the fruit satisfied my craving for a bit of sweets.
Ah what a great start to this fitness goal.
Since my goal is to be ready for the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon coming up June 27th, I am planning to take part in the 1/2 marathon. Focusing on having a strong back, and flexible hips and ankles, will allow me to finish the race with energy instead of collapsing at the end of it. I am designing this training around the tire (simulating a functional movement of both strength and speed), some heavy training to keep those fat cells at bay so the body will be light and toxins will have less of a chance to settle in the joints and cells creating pain and injury. This mixed terrian simulates the outdoor environment of the race and improves ankle stability.
Train the body now so that there will be no surprise on the race day.
Outdoor environment
Trail and street running
Multiple plans of movement (to prevent injury and to increase response)